19 October 2022
Galerie Orenda brings together art by Alaskan First Nations artists and pastels by Jean Malaurie.
19 October 2022
Prof. Jan Borm has translated the chapter dedicated to the Faroe Islands in Xavier Marmier’s official account of the French expedition into English.
8 September 2022
Joanna Kodzik will soon present her article about the reception of Moravian Arctic knowledge in France: "La réception des observations arctiques moraves en France à l’époque des Lumières".
5 September 2022
Jan Borm participates in the workshop: “Pa pimatisiwin. En mouvement. Table ronde sur le territoire. L’autochtonie comparée des Amériques".
10 May 2022
Organised by the University of the Faroe Islands in cooperation with The Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco-UVSQ, UVSQ/Université Paris-Saclay and the University of Iceland.
24 March 2022
New exhibition "Mission Polaire" is set to open at the Oceanographic Museum in Monaco.
18 March 2022
Joanna Kodzik is presenting a paper on the Moravians' communication about Greenland at the international conference: Using the North in Political Communication.
10 March 2022
Jan Borm is one of the speakers of the "Mastermind & Academia For a Better World" event.
14 February 2022
The director of MIARC will participate in the Polar Symposium: The Cold is Getting Hot!.
14 December 2021
On December 6, leadership from UArctic higher education member institutions convened for their first face-to-face meeting since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.