19 January 2023
Jan Borm (MIARC) and Philippe Charlier discussed the life and career of Jean Malaurie. Philippe Charlier is head of the "Terre Humaine" collection (founded in 1955 by Jean Malaurie) at Plon publishing house.
17 January 2023
UArctic Rectors' Meeting took place in Monaco on 12-13 January 2023.
17 January 2023
Three members of the Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco-UVSQ have joined UArctic's "CAFE" thematic network: Joanna Kodzik, Alexandre Delangle and Jan Borm.
9 January 2023
A collective volume of articles in honour of Bernard Cottret, one of France's leading contemporary historians and foremost specialists of the history of Protestantism and the United Kingdom, has just been published by Éditions Kimé.
22 December 2022
The team of the Malaurie Institute wishes Professor Jean Malaurie a happy 100th birthday and many happy returns!
16 December 2022
An outstanding event took place on 12 December at the French embassy in Berlin. Experts retraced 75 years of French and German Arctic research, paying tribute to Jean Malaurie, France’s most distinguished Arctic researcher, on the occasion of his 100th birthday.
15 December 2022
The French-German Research School PACCSS "Perceiving Arctic Change - Climate, Society, Sustainability" met up on 13 December 2022 in Berlin. The aim of this inititative is to gather researchers from various disciplines in order to foster a multidisciplinary approach to Arctic research.
6 December 2022
The Oceanographic Museum of Monaco is hosting "Arctic Twilight", an exhibition of pastel paintings by Jean Malaurie, from 15 December 2022 to 24 January 2023.
24 November 2022
The ceremony was held online on 16 November 2022, bringing together French and Ukrainian academics.
10 November 2022
In a long interview, Jean Malaurie shares some of his experiences in the Arctic and reflects on his career.
24 October 2022
UArctic Chairs gathered in their first joint meeting at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik on October 12, 2022.
21 October 2022
Jean Malaurie's new book "De la Pierre à l'âme" ("From Stone to Soul") has been published on October 20, 2022, by Éditions Plon.
- Exhibition at Galerie Orenda in Paris with art by Alaskan First Nations artists and pastels by Jean Malaurie
- The Faroese chapter of the “La Recherche” Expedition Account by Xavier Marmier translated into English
- Forthcoming publication on the reception of Moravian Arctic knowledge in France
- Workshop in Montreal, 19-23 Sept. 2022